Our digital survey is live! Please share your thoughts with us. Click on this link to go to the library’s survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CaesteckerCommunitySurvey

Paper copies of the survey are available in the library and at select locations in the community. Please encourage all your friends and family to take the survey in the format they are most comfortable with. As always, library staff are on hand to assist you with accessing the digital survey from one of our computers. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us!

The Caestecker Public Library team has been busy looking back at where we’ve been, where we are now, and where we’re headed as a community and as a library. We want to make sure you are a part of our strategic plan process. Strategic planning is dedicated time to review data and information about the library, and, alongside the community, to explore different opportunities and future priorities for the library. We will ask you to add your voice and ideas throughout the process. If you have any questions or would like to share ideas, please call 920-294-3572 or stop by the library and ask for Christina. 


Here’s your second opportunity to make your voice heard! The City of Green Lake is launching a new E-newsletter and comprehensive survey.

See the links below to participate:

City of Green Lake Newsletter: Welcome to the City of Green Lake’s FIRST e-newsletter

City of Green Lake’s Survey: City of Green Lake community survey

City of Green Lake’s website: https://cityofgreenlake.com/

When you begin the city’s survey, you’ll be asked to select one of three categories: full-time Green Lake residentfull-time Town of Brooklyn resident, or second homeowner in either Green Lake or the Town of Brooklyn. Choose the option that applies to you and take about 15 minutes to provide your valuable feedback.

Paper copies of the survey are available at City Hall (534 Mill Street, entrance on Water Street) during office hours: Monday–Friday, 8 AM – 4:30 PM.

As the City of Green Lake takes an in-depth look at how to plan what the future of Green Lake might look like in 20 years, community input will play a key role in helping chart its course to 2045.

The City of Green Lake’s Comprehensive Plan will become a living document that guides decision making for future growth and development in the City of Green Lake and it would not be complete without hearing from key stakeholders in our community like YOU.