We have an exciting community partnership to share! Caestecker Library patrons with a valid library card now have the opportunity to attend a performance at Thrasher Opera House for free with their library card. Tickets are limited and on a first-come, first-served basis. Visit the front desk at the library starting Monday, the week of the show offered, to check out a maximum of four tickets. Tickets may not be resold and have no cash value. Thrasher Opera House reserves the right to deny entry. Visit thrasheroperahouse.com or stop at the library front desk to see which shows have been selected for this special offer. This is the beginning of our Experience Pass program at the Caestecker Public Library, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to offer access to our very own local gem, the Thrasher Opera House.
If you know of a particular title you would like to see added to the library’s collection, please take a moment to stop by the front desk or email director@greenlakelibrary.org. You may recommend books, audio books, DVDs or magazines. Please include as much information as possible and let us know how you found out about the item. We cannot guarantee all recommended items will be purchased, but we will do our best to investigate all recommendations and will add them when appropriate.
Now is the time to reserve your space for a 6-week Tai Chi Prime class to improve strength and balance. Please call Amanda Kutcher of ADRC at 920-787-6666 to secure your spot. Classes will be twice a week on Mondays & Thursdays from 9:30-11 am in the Burr Oak room in the lower level of the library, starting March 24th.