Visit the front desk to pick up a recycled crayon gift to celebrate Earth Day. 

Join 4-H Program Educator Brandon Springer for a Monarch and Milkweed program on Saturday, April 27 at 10:00 am, and learn how to help your local butterflies flourish. Make Milkweed Seed Bombs, read a Monarch Story, and make Monarch Squish Paintings. For grades K-2nd. Registration is required but the program is free. Call the library at 920-294-3572 or email to sign up.

Amanda Kutcher the Health Promotions Coordinator at ADRC will be visiting the library in this 7 week Fall Prevention course to build and maintain physical strength and balance! From footwear to prescriptions, you will learn what increases your risk of a fall, how to avoid it and make individualized plans to stay on your feet. Sign up is required, please contact Amanda at 920-787-6666. Classes start on Wednesday, May 1st from 3:30-5:30 pm and continue on Wednesdays until June 12.

Green Lake’s Garage Sale weekend is coming up and the Friends of the Library will be having a two-day book sale to celebrate. Visit the lower level of the library on Friday and Saturday May 3 & 4 from 9:00 am-1:00 pm to look through the new items added to the book sale area. Make sure to plan in extra time to take advantage of the special clearance room full of special deals and discounted prices!